RoboidControl for Arduino
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Passer::RoboidControl Namespace Reference


class  Activation
 Activation function for control. More...
class  DifferentialDrive
 A two-wheeled Propulsion method. More...
class  DistanceSensor
 A Sensor which can measure the distance to the nearest object. More...
class  DRV8833
 Support for a DRV8833 motor controller. More...
class  DRV8833Motor
 One motor port on the DRV8833 motor controller. More...
class  Motor
 A Motor is a Thing which can move parts of the Roboid. More...
class  Perception
 Module to which keeps track of objects around the roboid. More...
class  Placement
 A plament is used to specify where a Thing is placed on the Roboid. More...
class  Propulsion
 The Propulsion module for a Roboid is used to move the Roboid in space. More...
class  Roboid
 A Roboid is used to control autonomous robots. More...
class  Sensor
 A sensor is a thing which can perform measurements in the environment. More...
class  Switch
 A Digital switch input. More...
class  TB6612
 A TB6612 motor controller. More...
class  TB6612Motor
 A single port of the TB6612 motor controller. More...
class  Thing
 A thing is a functional component on a robot. More...
class  UltrasonicSensor
 An HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. More...