| TemperatureSensor (Participant participant, byte networkId, byte thingId) |
| Create a temperature sensor with the given ID.
override void | ProcessBinary (byte[] bytes) |
| Function to extract the temperature received in the binary message.
delegate void | ChangeHandler () |
delegate void | SphericalHandler (Spherical v) |
delegate void | ThingHandler (Thing t) |
void | AddChild (Thing child) |
| Attach a thing as a child of this thing.
void | RemoveChild (Thing child) |
| Remove the given thing as a child of this thing.
virtual void | CreateComponent () |
| Function which can be used to create components in external engines.
void | Update () |
| Convience function for use in Unity which removes the need for a currentTime argument.
virtual void | Update (ulong currentTime) |
| Update this thing.
virtual byte[] | GenerateBinary () |
| Function used to generate binary data for this thing.
float | temperature = 0 |
| The measured temperature.
RemoteParticipant | participant |
| The participant to which this thing belongs.
byte | networkId |
| The network ID of this thing.
byte | id |
| The ID of this thing.
byte | type |
| The type of this thing. This can be either a Thing::Type (needs casting) or a byte value for custom types.
List< Thing > | children = new List<Thing>() |
| The list of children of this thing.
string | modelUrl = "" |
| An URL pointing to the location where a model of the thing can be found.
Spherical | angularVelocity = Spherical.zero |
| The angular velocity of the thing in local space.
Unity.Thing | component = null |
| A reference to the representation of the thing in Unity.
ChangeHandler | OnParentChanged = delegate { } |
| Event which is triggered when the parent changes.
ChangeHandler | OnNameChanged = delegate { } |
| Event which is triggered when the name changes.
ChangeHandler | OnPositionChanged = delegate { } |
| Event triggered when the position has changed.
ChangeHandler | OnOrientationChanged = delegate { } |
| Event triggered when the orientation has changed.
SphericalHandler | OnLinearVelocityChanged = delegate { } |
| Event triggered when the linear velocity has changed.
static ThingHandler | OnNewThing = delegate { } |
| Event triggered when a new thing has been created.