4namespace RoboidControl {
A thing is a functional component on a robot.
Definition Thing.h:7
static const unsigned int DistanceSensorType
Definition Thing.h:16
bool IsSensor()
Check if the Thing is a Sensor.
Definition Thing.cpp:21
static const unsigned int MotorType
Bitmask for Motor type.
Definition Thing.h:29
bool IsMotor()
Check if the Thing is a Motor.
Definition Thing.cpp:17
Default constructor for a Thing.
Definition Thing.cpp:5
static const unsigned int ControlledMotorType
Definition Thing.h:17
static const unsigned int UncontrolledMotorType
Definition Thing.h:18
unsigned int type
The type of Thing.
Definition Thing.h:13
static const unsigned int SensorType
Bitmap for Sensor type.
Definition Thing.h:31
static const unsigned int SwitchType
Definition Thing.h:15
Basic Thing types.
Definition Thing.h:34