7namespace RoboidControl {
Support for a DRV8833 motor controller.
Definition DRV8833.h:31
Definition DRV8833.cpp:37
byte pinStandby
The pin number for the standby signal.
Definition DRV8833.h:56
DRV8833Motor motorA
Definition DRV8833.h:51
DRV8833Motor motorB
Definition DRV8833.h:52
One motor port on the DRV8833 motor controller.
Definition DRV8833.h:10
byte pinIn1
The pin number for the in1 signal.
Definition DRV8833.h:25
byte pinIn2
The pin number for the in2 signal.
Definition DRV8833.h:27
void SetSpeed(float speed) override
Set the motor speed.
Definition DRV8833.cpp:19
Definition DRV8833.cpp:3
A Motor is a Thing which can move parts of the Roboid.
Definition Motor.h:11
Motor turning direction.
Definition Motor.h:17
Direction direction
The forward turning direction of the motor.
Definition Motor.h:19