6namespace RoboidControl {
39 virtual void SetTwistSpeed(
float forward,
float yaw)
A two-wheeled Propulsion method.
Definition DifferentialDrive.h:17
void SetTargetSpeeds(float leftSpeed, float rightSpeed)
Set the target speeds of the motors directly.
Definition DifferentialDrive.cpp:19
virtual void SetTwistSpeed(float forward, float yaw) override
Controls the motors through forward and rotation speeds.
Definition DifferentialDrive.cpp:36
Default constructor.
Definition DifferentialDrive.cpp:5
A plament is used to specify where a Thing is placed on the Roboid.
Definition Placement.h:38
The Propulsion module for a Roboid is used to move the Roboid in space.
Definition Propulsion.h:16
A 2-dimensional vector.
Definition Vector2.h:31
A 3-dimensional vector.
Definition Vector3.h:35