Roboid Control for C++
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CRoboidControl::BinaryMsgMessage to send thing-specific data
 CRoboidControl::DestroyMsgMessage notifiying that a Thing no longer exists
 CRoboidControl::InvestigateMsgMessage to request details for a Thing
 CRoboidControl::ModelUrlMsgMessage for communicating the URL for a model of the thing
 CRoboidControl::NameMsgMessage for communicating the name of a thing
 CRoboidControl::ParticipantA participant is a device which manages things. It can communicate with other participant to synchronise the state of things. This class is used to register the things the participant is managing. It also maintains the communcation information to contact the participant. It is used as a basis for the local participant, but also as a reference to remote participants
 CRoboidControl::LocalParticipantA local participant is the local device which can communicate with other participants It manages all local things and communcation with other participants. Each application has a local participant which is usually explicit in the code. An participant can be isolated. In that case it is standalong and does not communicate with other participants
 CRoboidControl::SiteServerA participant is device which can communicate with other participants
 CRoboidControl::ParticipantMsgA participant messages notifies other participants of its presence When received by another participant, it can be followed by a NetworkIdMsg to announce that participant to this client such that it can join privately
 CRoboidControl::PoseMsgMessage to communicate the pose of the thing The pose is in local space relative to the parent. If there is not parent (the thing is a root thing), the pose will be in world space
 CRoboidControl::SiteMsgA message communicating the network ID for that participant
 CRoboidControl::TextMsgMessage for sending generic text
 CRoboidControl::ThingA thing is the primitive building block
 CRoboidControl::Arduino::DRV8833MotorSupport for a DRV8833 motor controller
 CRoboidControl::DifferentialDriveA thing which can move itself using a differential drive system
 CRoboidControl::DigitalSensorA digital (on/off, 1/0, true/false) sensor
 CRoboidControl::TemperatureSensorA temperature sensor
 CRoboidControl::TouchSensorA sensor which can detect touches
 CRoboidControl::Arduino::DigitalInputA digital input represents the stat of a digital GPIO pin
 CRoboidControl::Arduino::UltrasonicSensorAn HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor
 CRoboidControl::ThingMsgMessage providing generic information about a Thing