A participant is device which can communicate with other participants.
| SiteServer (int port=7681) |
template<typename ThingClass > |
void | Register (unsigned char thingType) |
void | begin () |
virtual void | Update (unsigned long currentTimeMs=0) |
void | SendThingInfo (Participant *remoteParticipant, Thing *thing) |
void | PublishThingInfo (Thing *thing) |
bool | Send (Participant *remoteParticipant, IMessage *msg) |
bool | Publish (IMessage *msg) |
void | ReceiveData (unsigned char bufferSize, char *senderIpAddress, unsigned int senderPort) |
void | ReceiveData (unsigned char bufferSize, Participant *remoteParticipant) |
Thing * | Get (unsigned char networkId, unsigned char thingId) |
| Find a thing managed by this participant.
void | Add (Thing *thing, bool checkId=true) |
| Add a new thing for this participant.
void | Remove (Thing *thing) |
| Remove a thing for this participant.
bool | isIsolated = false |
| True if the participant is running isolated. Isolated participants do not communicate with other participants.
long | publishInterval = 3000 |
const char * | name = "LocalParticipant" |
| The name of the participant.
Participant * | remoteSite = nullptr |
| The remote site when this participant is connected to a site.
int | sock |
sockaddr_in | remote_addr |
sockaddr_in | server_addr |
sockaddr_in | broadcast_addr |
bool | connected = false |
unsigned char | senderCount = 0 |
Participant * | senders [MAX_SENDER_COUNT] |
std::list< Participant * > | senders |
const char * | ipAddress = "" |
| The Ip Address of a participant. When the participant is local, this contains
int | port = 0 |
| The port number for UDP communication with the participant. This is 0 for isolated participants.
unsigned char | networkId = 0 |
| The network Id to identify the participant.
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, ParticipantMsg *msg) override |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, SiteMsg *msg) override |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, ThingMsg *msg) override |
void | SetupUDP (int localPort, const char *remoteIpAddress, int remotePort) |
Participant * | GetParticipant (const char *ipAddress, int port) |
Participant * | AddParticipant (const char *ipAddress, int port) |
void | ReceiveUDP () |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, InvestigateMsg *msg) |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, NameMsg *msg) |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, PoseMsg *msg) |
virtual void | Process (Participant *sender, BinaryMsg *msg) |