Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
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- Serialize() : RoboidControl::BinaryMsg, RoboidControl::DestroyMsg, RoboidControl::InvestigateMsg, RoboidControl::ModelUrlMsg, RoboidControl::NameMsg, RoboidControl::ParticipantMsg, RoboidControl::PoseMsg, RoboidControl::SiteMsg, RoboidControl::TextMsg, RoboidControl::ThingMsg
- SetAngularVelocity() : RoboidControl::Arduino::DRV8833Motor, RoboidControl::Thing
- SetDriveDimensions() : RoboidControl::DifferentialDrive
- SetLinearVelocity() : RoboidControl::Thing
- SetModel() : RoboidControl::Thing
- SetMotors() : RoboidControl::DifferentialDrive
- SetOrientation() : RoboidControl::Thing
- SetParent() : RoboidControl::Thing
- SetPosition() : RoboidControl::Thing
- SetTemperature() : RoboidControl::TemperatureSensor
- SetWheelVelocity() : RoboidControl::DifferentialDrive
- SiteMsg() : RoboidControl::SiteMsg
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